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Winter Sports You’ll Enjoy More Fully After LASIK

December 9, 2016

Depending on where you live, you might already be starting to see some snow on the ground. Winter is fast approaching, and with it come many of the sports that we all love to participate in, but need the winter weather to really enjoy. But you know what else you’ll really need to enjoy them? Clear vision. It’s tough to navigate the slopes if you’ve lost a contact or have condensation on your glasses. But once you decide on LASIK, you’ll never have to worry about that again. Think about how much that would change some of your favorite winter activities.

Fat Tire Snow Biking

Dr Silverman’s favorite!  There is nothing like being out on the trails packed with fresh snow.  It’s a great workout for sure, and it’s  great to be one with nature.  Prescription glasses are a drag, and contact lenses can fall out in the cold air.  Be sure to wear a helmet though!


This one is really a no-brainer. If you’ve ever had to wear rec-specs because your normal glasses were obviously too fragile to go anywhere near a hockey rink, you understand what we’re talking about. Even contacts aren’t a perfect solution here. A visor may protect your eyes, but the fact is that hockey is an extremely physical sport, and if you lose a contact on the ice, well, kiss it goodbye.


Whether you choose to ski or snowboard, you know what it’s like heading downhill when the wind and powder are hitting you in the face. And the eye protection you wear probably makes it impossible to wear glasses at the same time. With the clear vision that LASIK provides, you won’t have to worry about missing any obstacles in your path, and you won’t have to go flying down a mountain with less-than-perfect vision. Because that would be pretty dangerous, right? 


This is another case where it’s simply going to be more fun and safe if you have great eyesight. Snowmobiling can take you at high speeds through a variety of trees, rocks, and other dangers, so you want to be at your best. And again, why worry about a fragile pair of glasses, or that you forgot to bring any extra contacts. Because if you thought losing one on an ice rink was bad, try losing one in a foot of snow.


We don’t care what anyone says—curling takes some talent. And it definitely takes a good eye. Whether you’re sweeping away or throwing the rock, you don’t have much room for error on the rink. And when the stakes get high, you’ll be feeling pretty grateful for the LASIK surgery that gave you your great vision.

And it’s not just traditional winter sports that get better when you have clear eyesight. Snowball fights with your children, long hikes through beautiful snow-covered landscapes, and anything else that takes place outdoors and in the elements gets easier after LASIK. No more worrying, no more hassle. Foggy glasses and lost contacts are a thing of the past after your LASIK surgery.

So if it sounds like your winters might be improved by LASIK, then call today and we can set up a consultation to find out what your options are. Why wait? Don’t let another winter go by without getting your vision back.


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